Preparing & Uploading a .DWG File

To upload and sell exhibition booths using the Exhibits App, a .dwg file must be available for the hall in which the exhibition takes place. Once the .dwg file is in re:Members AMS, the floorplan (including booths) becomes available, and booths are automatically created.

Preparing a .DWG File

  • Limit the floorplan to the actual booth section of the hall. The excess space around the booth area is not needed—excluding this makes for a cleaner and faster upload.
  • Booths in the .dwg file must be closed off with either a solid or a dotted line. If booths are left open, the AutoCAD system attempts to lump them all into one large booth instead of separating them into the correctly sized booth segments.
  • In order for re:Members AMS to detect the booths in the .dwg file, booths must be on their own layer. Booth numbers must also be on a separate layer.
  • Booth numbers must be inside the booth perimeter.
  • Booth numbers must be one number per booth—there must be separate text values so that re:Members AMS can identify the anchor point for booth detection.
  • Eliminate captions, notes, and/or snippets of drawing not needed for that hall that may be left over on the AutoCAD .dwg model page. In the AutoCAD .dwg model page, if you “Zoom-All” or “Zoom-Extents,” the command allows you to see everything in the model. Please delete any items or objects that are around the hall on the model page, but not part of the hall. Once these items have been deleted, please Zoom-All again to ensure that all you see are the booths.
  • No 3D objects should be included on the floorplan.

Uploading a .DWG File

Note: What is "Max Fit"? This is the maximum number of booths that can be placed on a floor plan, in their smallest possible sizes, prior to any merging, resizing, or other adjustments. Booths in a correctly configured max-fit floorplan cannot be divided into smaller units. This is necessary because, while imported booths can later be merged in re:Members AMS, they cannot be divided into units smaller than those in the initial import.

  1. Navigate to the Exhibit Record > Planning tab > Halls menu option.

    1. In the section, Step 1: Upload DWG File,:

      1. Click the Upload DWG File button.

      2. Locate the .dwg file to be uploaded and click the Upload File button. If the .dwg file is properly configured, layers should appear in Section 2.

    2. In the section, Step 2: Select Drawing Layers, any layers imported from the .dwg file in Step 1 will appear. These layers are unique to the .dwg file imported--ask the party providing the .dwg file for the names of layers containing booth numbers and booth outlines.

      1. In the section, "Select which layers of the drawing contain the booth outlines," click check-boxes next to the layers containing booth outlines.

      2. In the section," Select which layers of the drawing contain the booth number," click check-boxes next to the layers containing booth numbers.

      3. Click the Save Layers button.

    3. In the section, Step 3: Import Booths,

      1. Choose how to generate booth spaces. Options include:

        • Priced per square foot (selectable dimensions): The system generates only one 1x1 square foot space during import, and associates all booths found in the .dwg with that space type. The prices that customers pay are calculated as the actual square footage of the booth, multiplied by the price configured per square foot. Later, staff can create as many 1x1 booth space types as neccary and associate them with any booths throughout the floorplan.

        • Priced as whole spaces (fixed dimensions): The system generates spaces for all actual booth sizes found. End prices are considered a whole (or fixed) for the entire booth, and the system will not multiply the square footage by these prices.

    4. At the bottom of the form, click Import Booths.

  2. Once the import is complete, staff are redirected to the floorplan and can begin the process of manipulating booths on the floorplan and of creating booth prices.

Tip: Once hall setup is complete and booths are imported, booth prices must be set up. For instruction on setting up booth prices, see the the help topic: Setting up Booth Prices.

Note: If, after following the steps listed above, you continue to have difficulty uploading the floor plan, contact